Tank Time: A Playful Look at Conversations and Gaming Frustrations

What the hell was that? Please.
Me in the tank. We just sat there fucking ages.
Period. Get that point sauce?
Period, girl.
Well played, boy.
Thank you. Tank Dev can’t play a die for shit. Horrible.
Okay, shut the.
Oh, that’s a cleaning, Bob. Period.
They don’t need Mexicans in the future.
Very important to not have too many deaths.
I have a question for you.
No, you’re muted.
Talk to the wall, bitch.
cunt. Hey,
hey, hey. Hello.
You know why nobody likes gamers?
Okay. Love,
love, love,
love, love, love.
Well, she’s out.
Ugh. I don’t care.
God forbid I shoot at him. God forbid.