2035: A Futuristic Timeline – From AI Advancements to Robot Taxis and Beyond

What are the next 10 years gonna be like? Well, in this series, I’m gonna take you through a detailed timeline as to what I think is gonna happen by 2035.

This year, we saw the first apple headset called Vision Pro that can do AR and VR. We also saw ChatGPT 4 o, which can do live translations. It can do multi modal tasks. We also saw global carbon emissions peak and reeable energy is being adopted at really fast rates.

Now. In August, I think Tessa’s going to unveil their robo taxi, this fully self driving vehicle that people will be able to eventually release and purchase to drive other people around. I also think in December of this year, Tesla is going to unveil their Tesla Optimus Gen 3 robot with 22 degrees of freedom in its hands.

Now in 2025, next year, I think that OpenAI and Google are going to announce their next major multi model learning system, perhaps GPT five or Gemini 2.0, where they’re each gonna have at least 6 trillion parameters, which is pretty equivalent to about 10 to 20% of what the human brain can do. I also think that by early 2025, we’re gonna see these new releases of more on device AI softwares where people can have live assistance at all times with all the information they need at the palm of their hands on their phones.

Now, by mid 2025, we’re gonna see Tesla announce that their full self driving has now reach capabilities and performance levels of that of a human, if not marginally better than human around that time next year, I think they’re also going to announce the development and production of the robot taxis, which are gonna be for sale later that year and essentially be under $40,000. I think also by the end of next year, you’re gonna see pretty much all major search engines online be replaced or integrated with a AI. They’re gonna be curated results like we’re kind of seeing now. And like beta by late next year, you’re gonna see almost all search engines on major platforms like TikTok, Facebook, all these things, they’re gonna be implemented with like video AI. So you can search through videos with AI. You can ask it, hey, go to this moment in this video and I’ll get it to you. Photos, videos, documents. The search engine is gonna be able to search through any document, any video, and you can pretty much get it like that.

Now, in 2026, I think this is when things start to get weird. I think by 2026, we’re gonna see at least 5 million jobs be erased because of AI. So we’re gonna see more and more companies cut back on their hours because of AI replacing people. And this is gonna spark some backlash. I think in early 2026, we’re gonna see Nvidia release this new AI GPU that’s gonna be like outperforming anything in the past and it’s gonna be cheaper than ever before. It’s gonna expedite the end to end learning process for robotics. I think by March, April 2026, we’re gonna see a Vision Pro 2 headset by Apple SMB, lighter, smaller, thinner, and be more powerful. The Vision Pro 2 headsets gonna support some console level gaming and it’s gonna introduce lots of people to it. At the same time, we’re gonna see lots of people start adopting AR glasses, very thin glasses that people just wear with some AI capabilities. I think that by fall 2026, we’re gonna see starship finalize their starship. It’s gonna land, orbit, launch all successfully around the fall of 2026. I think we’re also gonna see Tesla’s Gen 5 Optimus robot be able to perform like a third of all human tasks. The first commercially available vaccine for cancers like skin cancer. I think we’re gonna reach the markets by 2026. And interestingly, I think we’re also gonna see the first release of a purely AI generated short film done by completely AI, right? Narrated storyline, all that graphics, all done by AI. And it’s gonna be nearly on par without humans can do. I think that by late 2026, we’re gonna see the acceleration of the gig economy. People are going to be more accepting of gigs, right? Temporary jobs where they can do it at home because AI is going to enable us to do pretty much everything at home. So that was that. My next episode is going to be 2027 to 2029, and things are gonna get crazy. So stay tuned.