The Enigmatic World of Pikachu: A Closer Look at the Doll Mask Anecdotes

About our doll mask.
I heard something funny.
That en iPhone
Your friends were performing.
‘Cause those Pikachu guys just came out
I know the Pokemon Durkud.
It wasn’t that concert.
I guess. Yeah.
But you know what?
The deal they send me
I know this Durkud.
If the tail shape is heart,
it is female,
It’s just a male in the shape of a lightning bolt
by the way.
In the female mask,
part-time female workers go in.
for males,
Is actually going in.
For the Pikachu s personal information
One for each of the Pikachu
We need air quality for each one.
He said it was like this.
In there.
No one knows who’s there
I don’t even know who Pikachu vs.
But there are several waiting rooms.
You should have done this
Must need too many waiting rooms yeah
If you have ten Pikachu,
You’re gonna have to use ten waiting rooms
Me, too.
I tried that radio with Pengxu,
‘Cause I didn’t see it inside
Pikachu must be very strict.
Um Pikachu Airport
That’s why Pengxu and people like this
One person doing it for a long time.
That’s the character.
Pikachu is a bit
Even though it’s a day and maybe not
That’s how much security we got
But I don’t even know that.
Because you’re letting Pikachu go
Yes, they did.
Maybe there are people in charge of Pikachu
his job is Pikachu.
You don’t know any other Pikachu.
That could be the case