Title suggestion: Unpacking the Online Backlash Towards Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni: A Deep Dive Into Cancel Culture and Crisis PR Strategies

it is the online takedown of Blake Lively
they’re billionaires hard to cancel billionaire
maybe Blake Lively needs to apologize from time to time
about how she interacts with fans
but I just find it fascinating or ironic or icky
about a movie about domestic violence
where a man versus a woman
you have this onset drama
we don’t really know exactly what’s going on
but the internet and specifically it seems to be like a lot of women
cause a lot of women are watching the show
seem to be jumping at the opportunity to eviscerate the woman in this scenario
and then what is Justin done
he’s hired the same PR crisis team
that Johnny Depp hired during the Amber Heard case
I didn’t know he was in a crisis
this PR team eviscerated Amber Heard online
it was like an all out assault on her character
if you read Justin Baldoni’s content and follow his work that you
you would never think that Justin Baldoni would hire the same crisis PR team
that Johnny Depp hired and yes
maybe Blake Lively has had a reputation of being a jerk at times
but that doesn’t explain why everyone’s unfollowed Justin
I’ve never met Blake Lively
I’ve met Justin and if you’ve ever read Justin’s books
you would think that the person writing that book who presents
is an ultra ally to women
you would assume that they would say
maybe I could direct this movie
this movie that comes from a place of
a perspective of woman who’s being abused by a man
but I don’t know if I should like
could have man directed Barbie
sure probably
and he could have sat down and interviewed women and said
I wanna make sure I do this right
I wanna make sure I’m I’m writing this from the perspective of women
but like
maybe just a woman should have directed it
like credited
I’m always very skeptical of people who present as flawless
who always say the right things
all I know is that the internet is trying to go back
and find every little moment that Blake Lively was rude
as a justification is to why
of whose side to take when the entire cast has unfollowed Justin Baldoni
and yes Blake Lively has made mistakes
and maybe Blake Lively needs to educate herself
and clearly again
her strategy around marketing this movie seems to be a huge
epic fail but that does not address why
these people have distance themselves from Justin Bildoni
and I think people need to start asking the right questions about that
and why is Justin hiring a crisis PR team
the same crisis PR team that Johnny Depp hired