The Misconception of Easy Weight Loss and its Impact on Fat People: Examining the Harmful Pipeline

the weight loss is easy to I hate f@t people pipeline is so direct
first of all
the idea that weight loss is easy and accessible to everyone is freaking crazy
thinking that weight loss is easy directly impacts how people treat f@t people
here’s the pipeline
thinking weight loss is easy gives people permission to call f@t people lazy
and it’s easy for those people to think f@t people are lazy
because if weight loss is easy and f@t people should just want to be thin
and they’re not doing anything and everything in their power to be thin
they must be f@t by choice
and if they’re f@t by choice
they are lazy by choice
and then it’s smooth sailing from there right
a person who thinks weight loss is easy
is gonna look at a f@t person and say
hey they’re clearly not trying to lose weight
they’re f@t they’re lazy
and anything that happens to them is their fault
and if or when they look at a fa@t person complaining about airplane seats
complaining about clothing
complaining about access complaining about weight limits
complaining about shame complaining about stigma
they’re gonna say well
that’s your fault because you’re choosing to be f@t
deep sigh
deep sigh