Revolutionizing Car Buying: Mastering Total Out of Pocket Transactions

Never use the words down payment again.
You should be saying total out of pocket or total duet signing.
Every time you say down payment,
you leave yourself wide open to get scammed.
You’ll show up to a dealership
thinking you’re gonna do a certain amount down.
They’ll tell you to what? That didn’t include tax or fees.
Here’s how to do no money down leases and purchases the right way.
Always get your lease offers 12,000 miles per year.
You can adjust that later.
First month payment, do a signing.
Taxes and fees in the payment
and you tell them assume tier 1.
You need to get at least five offers
because four are gonna be overpriced.
When you compare your offers,
your monthly payment divided into the MSRP is under 1%,
you stole a car. If it’s over 1%,
but below 1.5, that’s a good lease deal.
If it’s above 1.5%, bad lease deal.
We don’t sign those and we don’t do four year leases.
With purchases. You need to shop all in,
out the door prices. That includes tax,
that includes fees. You’re looking at one number,
bottom line price, and you’re comparing those.
On new cars,
get five offers so you can find the one that’s gonna be the lowest.
On used cars, you need to look at at least five options
and realize every used car is cookie cutter.
I don’t care how unique it is.
There’s tons of them around the country.
Find them. And compare prices.
When you find a dealership
that’s gonna sell you the car for the lowest price,
you call your bank or your credit union.
You work out your terms with them.
No money down. Deals are easy.
You want everything I teach step by step.
That’s my new digital book,
Cars From Home. You can get yours for 75% off.
Deshawn’s Learn relearn.