Timing is Everything: How to Secure the Best Car Deals and Avoid Costly Mistakes

Couple things you can’t do.
If you need a car in the next 12 months,
can’t wait till the last minute.
I don’t care if you’re buying new cars or used cars,
use cars. You need at least three months to shop the market.
Because you got to be able to say no.
Person who can’t say no in the negotiations is gonna lose new cars.
I’m gonna give you all a tip, too.
Um, you need at least six months.
Really? 9?
Cause you might wanna order a car.
If you can’t order a car, you.
You might walk in needing a car this week.
This month. They don’t have anything
that’s gonna put your back against the wall.
If your back is against the wall,
you’re gonna end up taking whatever you can get.
If you go in 6, 9 months early,
you can. You have options.
If you have a lease that’s coming due,
call your leasing company,
ask for an extension. I’m breaking more than 20 mistakes down in my new.
In my master class this Sunday.
Get your seat in my bio type locked in if you’re coming.
If you register, you get a replay.
Like I can’t make it more simpler.
Free class. We going over free game.