Car Troubles: The Saga of the Cooper and Deciding on a Replacement for a 16-Year-Old

So the miss with the farmer guy,
if you follow me, you know.
You know, I have.
I’ve had the worst luck with cars.
Uh, Cooper,
Hummer, and my pickup.
I bet I put 25 grand into all three of them.
But I need help. So this is the Cooper.
I need opinions, what to do.
This is the Cooper. Bought it for 12 grand from New York on site, unseen.
First stupid move. Had it for about 2 weeks.
Had to put. It’s cute.
It’s a roadster. It had it for a couple weeks.
I had to put 10 6 into it,
clutch and some other stuff.
Drove over for 40. Four hundred miles.
Had to put another clutch in it.
So I went up and got it from Twin Cities.
That’s where the dealer is.
That’s been a pain in the butt.
Drove home, didn’t even get home,
and I lost reverse, first and second gear.
Now, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal to fix,
but no one. No one works on Coopers around here. So
do I try to get it fixed here and dump it down here somewhere?
I think my best bet is to bring it back to the dealership,
have them fix the clutch, whatever.
And then that car is not coming home with me.
It’s not? It’s being traded.
If I trade it,
I don’t know if the Cooper dealership has.
I’m getting a Ford or Chevy.
Um, I need to be Able to get it serviced locally.
That’s the third time I’ve had it towed up there
and it’s. It’s.
It’s a pain in the butt. So what.
What would you do? You fix it locally,
trade it locally?
I might bring over to the dealership.
But then I’m getting a Ford Chevy
and I think it’s gonna be thing three’s car.
He’s gonna drive it 85% of the time.
So then what should I get for a Ford Chevy for a 16 year old?
He’s got style, he knows lots of cars.
But I don’t care. This.
This car things. It’s literally financially killing me.
So light up the comments. I’m not.
I’m not gonna put hardly any captions in here cause it’s.
It’s Monday and I’m getting it towed Wednesday or Thursday.
So tell me what to do, cause I don’t even know. Later.