Random Musings and Quirks: An Unfiltered Collection of Conversational Chaos

There we go. Send his ass straight back to hell where he came from. Anybody else likes nachos where you guys eat with. She just have a mole. I see it now. See, she don’t have a mole. Look, a mole on the left cheek. Okay, hold on. Let’s humor her for a bit. My ID, I don’t see anything wrong. My ID. Well, man, there’s nothing wrong with your appearance, though. What’s wrong? My appearance. I think everything’s fine on my appearance. I didn’t take that into account. Your way happen. You’re not easy to fool. That makes me wanted to fire you. In the book, 29, now let’s say 42,58. Make a quick.

Is a son about your parents that I don’t like from my appearance.

Great. You guys are put a little bit of a syrup in your funnel cake. What’s going on with your fit? My ID I lost it. I could see that my head. I’m sick. Oh, I have one. I have a head flu rotation. She’s still talking. Little, why don’t you was a magician.

This thing is crazy right now. What’s going on? Right there? My eyes. They are humanize, of course, just like all humans can. You probably got completed. Oh, should I take this job in real life? I probably would. For a price, not for no. 99. Oh, global keep tone. What kind of facial lotion you use? Worms. Oh, blah, blah. No, they’re not worms. Pimples. He needs a fisherman. You’re right. Hi. Set his ass straight back to the ocean. We ever see this character. Wait a minute. 0,3,0,1 to my eyebrows. Don’t look eyebrow for me. My fiancee and I are making sweet. Yes. Don’t come back. Thanks. What’s up with the eyebrows? My brows all look so. I. Browlish to me. Let’s humor her for a bit. I didn’t take that into account. Yo, who the hell is this? You’re not easy, fool. Oh, hell, that makes me worry. Devour you even move. Send her straight back to McDonald’s where health she came from under where she came from. Something about your appearance that got me questioning some. What’s wrong with my appearance? Oh, look as handsome as ever. That was a good joke out of them slide.

Oh, you’re right. You’re on the list. This list, Sarah, straight to the gulag, straight over there. And don’t even give her a weapon. Give her an apple. Tesla is good if you add a little bit of that peanut butter. I’m just saying.

Did you ever play sports? Cuz your appearance is kind of crazy, bro. My head. Oh, I just slept badly last night. Am I not on today’s list? Yeah, this guy is, but I don’t know about that. There’s an error on the list. Really?

Alright, let me look at the list one more time. I got you. Don’t worry about. Let me see. Perfect. Yep, you’re on the list. Straight back to Clown City. See you later.

Don’t forget about me cuz I’m a. Forget about you. Send his ass straight back to hell. Guys, would you guys have for brunch? I had aluminum with some saltine crackers. Good afternoon. Hi, bro. I’m not gonna ask this again.

What’s the hell is the entry request? I forgot to show my entry request. Here it is.

0,3,42,42. Big ass nose, wear glasses, is short hair, but he has a mole here. I don’t know, sir. Your mole is kind of mole.

Today’s list fair? Well, I didn’t count on that. You caught me, Ayo, bro. What are you gonna do about it? Go. Hey, Coyote. They would never be able to finish this off. The end will achieve our goal.

All right, Tyson is out. Straight back to the ocean. As say that. Straight back to hell. Nice to be a kid.

I used to eat my cereal with cold water, a little bit of peanut butter, little bit of strawberries, open a little bit. Good afternoon. Sorry, sir. It’s just protocol of 0,3,0,4,96,3,4,5,7,9,6,3,4,5,7. Okay, hold on, though. Hold on, bro. Don’t talk to me like that. I’ll slap the .

Yes, sir. You are not here. Okay, sir, let’s gotta make a quick phone call. Hold on. Hello, ref tillions because your husband home. Hello? How do you look at that? His hat.

Yes, he left it. Okay. He let us have. Okay, he left his head at home. All right.

I had to double check cuz I was like, hey, where’s the hat? But he left his hat his home. Don’t forget your hat next time. Dang it. The next time you forget your head, I’m gonna grab your head. I’m aware for you. Did we do it?

No one died today. Good job. Great. All right, for this next one, guys, I’m just gonna let everybody in said Marlin. Okay. Hi, cuz I quit chase my last day. I say I deserve raise. I’ve been here for 59 years.

You do this to me, that doesn’t mean, so guess what? I’m like, I’m gonna let them all in. Just let them all in. Let them do they think. Okay, let’s see who we see.

Did you see his lips? Did you see his lip? Man wasn’t even wearing his hat. Man’s wasn’t even wearing his hat.

She just looked like that. She’s normal. Don’t worry about it. She’s she looks like that as breadly normal. Okay, Norman have a sale.

Oh, no, nope. I’ve had enough over my appearance. My cheeks. Is it because I have cheese skin? But what? What kind of cheese, though? What kind of cheese? Prom alone, I’m gonna worry about it.

Yep. I love prolonged. Let’s see what’s next. Lady up. I wanna go up there. If are you, I want to go out here a little bit more.

Oh, it’s a good thing. Today’s opposite day. You get jazz right on in.

Let’s see who’s next. And yeah, she works here is okay. She works here. Don’t worry about it, guys. But yeah, you know, I’ve been working for 65 years.

Oh, I have not gonna be a whole ass zoo in here. Yep. I don’t care anymore. I’m not looking. Yep, you could be doing all kinds of illegal stuff. Guess what? I’m not here right now. I’m reading my feel bad little bit.

Hold on. No, no, no, no, no, no, not, no, nah. That could have been him, but nope, said his ass straight to hell. No. Thank you. Ultimate Google. Thank you, Google. Thank you.

Thank you. I don’t like that guy. I don’t like that guy. He ate my food last time I ordered Uber Eats. He took it. I know he did. Yep. Yeah, I love my job, but I quit today.

Hell no. What the hell is down in your face? What do you mean? What the hell was down in your face? My appearance, probably worm. I always had. Oh, Global. It’s okay.

That’s my uncle. My uncle Rigoberto. It’s okay. He has that condition. It’s kind of weird, but don’t look at it. Yeah, today is my last day. I don’t care anymore. Except for that one guy.

I ran out of strawberry milk. Very sad about that. Oh, hell no, bro. Robert, to your goatee. I forgot to go to. I knew I was forgetting some thing. You got me. What about your ID then?

How much do you care about your neighbors? They probably don’t even know your name and you risk your life for them every day. Allow me in. Oh, you want that? You know, how do you know that? Stop it. What about your entry request? Do you have that?

I might let you slide if you have that. Papers and more papers. I could put an end to that. You just have to open the door. Want me? Today is my last day, bro. Just get your pictures in there. Enjoy the buffet.

it. It’s my last day. I ain’t see nothing. I ain’t see nothing. Milkman, hurry up. That guy owes me money. All right, we’re good. Don’t worry about it, guys.

Things like this happen all the time. And it’s my last day. I already don’t care. Already alphabetize it.