Bunny Care 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Free Roaming Your Rabbit

here’s the
beginner’s guide
to free roaming
your bunny
because putting
them in those
little cages is not
very demure
so the first thing
I would do is
start their space
out really small
and gradually
work them up
so you don’t
wanna give them
your entire house
or even an
entire room right
off the bat
it’s gonna be
way too much
it’s gonna be a
recipe for disaster
so you wanna
teach them
good house habits
right from
the beginning
block off all
the furniture
block off all
the baseboards
don’t even let
them have the
option of chewing
on those things
also starting
off with a
small space
gives them
the opportunity
to establish
and perfect those
potty training behaviors
where they
get in the habit
using their
litter box
if they’re having
accidents in
the small space
it’ll definitely
continue once they
get more access
so take that
opportunity in the
beginning to work
on potty training
so the next
thing you’re gonna
have to do is
bunny proof
if it’s
on the floor
it’s fair game
if it doesn’t have
to be on
the floor
just pick it up
other than that
cords have to
have cord protectors
on them
another thing to
consider is
your flooring
so bunnies
don’t have pads
on the bottom
of their feet
that help
them get grip
and keep them
from slipping
and sliding all
over the floors
so you wanna
put down as many
blankets towels
as you can
to not only
make them feel
but also keep
them from
slipping and sliding
last but not least
bunnies need a
lot of places
to hide
so they’re natural
prey animals
they’re kind of
skittish sometimes
Denzel and Sully
love to hide
in tunnels
they sleep in
the tunnels
their huts
just something
where they have
can have their
head covered
it’s gonna make
them feel a lot
more safe and secure
in their
free roaming area