Gabby Williams Makes a Splash: WNBA Return and Impact on Seattle Storm

Of course, I’m in my car when this news drops,
but Gabby is back in the WNBA.
If you watch the Olympics,
you know how big of an asset this is to the Seattle Storm.
She’s great defensively. She knows how to find her own shot.
And the development of her game over the years has been tremendous.
She’s coming off of an Olympics
where she had to bear a lot of the weight for her team
and really rest the occasion,
and she did that. There are still some concerns for Seattle
to be in the position where they want to be in,
but this is a great addition.
And if you watch the China,
Robinson and me talk about it on WNBA Countdown on ABC.
We had this to say. Jessica,
your thoughts on Gabby Williams
potentially coming over to the W for the rest of the season?
And what team do you think she needs to play for?
The China. We both saw her in Paris.
She’s clutch. She knows how to get her own shot.
She’s great defensively. Hey, Seattle.
Seattle! Because she knows their system,
and it’s an option for her.
Listen, when you can defend the way Gabby Williams can,
she will be a faggot no matter where she goes.
All right, let’s.
So what do y’all think? Is this a good addition?
Do you like it? Would you have like to see Gabby somewhere else?
What part of Gabby’s game do you love? Let’s talk about it