Mixed Reviews and Performance Woes: A Deep Dive into the Controversy Surrounding Wukong

I’ve been hearing a pretty mixed things about Wukong.
I’ve been excited for the game.
I thought that the game looked good,
but I also realized that, you know,
it could potentially just be not that great.
Now the reviews and stuff are saying
basically that the game is pretty good,
but the performance is like,
really bad, and there’s a lot of red flags.
There’s also some weird things going on with the overall,
like, marketing
in the way
that they’re allowing people the post certain gameplay pass,
like a certain chapter or something.
So overall, the gameplay, actually,
it looks pretty good, and from what I understand,
the game is gonna be at least 20, 30,
40+ hours long. Now,
I don’t know if like, you know,
you end up first trying every single boss
and you just go straight through,
no side stuff. Maybe you can finish the game in like 20 hours,
maybe it takes even longer,
who knows?
But I’m hearing that the game isn’t necessarily short by any means.
So. Everybody that’s played on the PC version of the game
have said that there have been a lot of performance issues.
I don’t know if it’s due to overall just crashing strictly,
or if it’s like other glitches and things.
Seems to be a combination of a lot of them.
I’m hearing that people are like,
falling through the floor in the middle of boss fights and stuff.
Another situation where a boss jumped
Clean out of the arena while they were fighting.
So little glitches that’ll basically make it so
to where you would have to do another attempt on a boss, right?
Which is pretty annoying. But it’s not as bad to where, like,
you can’t progress. It’s just,
you know, little setbacks here and there.
Still inexcusable. Not a good thing.
Needs to be fixed, but not game breaking.
But it really won’t, like,
block you overall from, like,
progressing in the game or whatever.
There have been some really bad glitches out there
that prevented people from being able to continue.
Glitches like that are an extreme issue.
Now, with that said,
that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist in the game.
But in terms of all of the reviews and stuff that I’ve read,
there is no, like,
absolute game breaking glitch.