Hidden Agendas: The Social Media Game of Ulterior Motives

there’s a game that gets played on social media
and I need all the men and women to be acutely aware of this game
y’all know the “cuh dey bored” guy
chopping vegetables with his arm angled
so he’s showing off his muscles and his tattoos
yeah it’s the same game that he’s playing
he’s just playing it on the women
whenever someone makes content that strictly geared towards the opposite sex
99 times out of 100 there’s an ulterior motive behind it
for the male feminist types
they’re doing it for self gratification
for female attention so they can look like the chosen one
or the good guy in all the eyes of the women
for the women like this well
I could just show you what the motive is
and look I don’t have nothing against this girl
she gives some generic but kinda decent advice in this video
but it was never about giving men good advice
or actually caring about the confidence levels of men
because if it was you wouldn’t be trying to send them over to go look at content
and new things that are known
to kill men’s confidence
y’all just beware of the snakes in the grass
that look good and are telling you what you think you need to hear
what they’re saying might sound like is good for you
but it was never about you
and it’s always about what they can get for themselves