Healthy and Delicious: A Girl’s Dinner Feast

Play up dinner with me. So today I’m having literally, like,
such a girl dinner, like,
everything I’ve been craving,
the healthy alternatives of it.
So, guys,
I made this burger, as you can see.
Oh, my God.
And I actually made this using keto bread.
Can you imagine? Like,
no carb bread? And I’ve just been loving it.
So I’ve just been having it for breakfast and stuff like that.
So, yes,
my little burger. Oh,
my God. It’s got cheese and rocket and all that stuff.
And then for the fries, I made zucchini fries,
which I’m not gonna zoom in on, because.
Thank you. You know, it.
It speaks for itself,
but zucchini fries is a healthier alternative to fries,
so I decided to have them.
And then I was craving Mac and cheese,
so I made cauliflower cheese,
and I added bacon bits inside of it. Like, ugh,
guys, look at that.
Cauliflower cheese has become my obsession.
Like, it’s not even a joke,
cause I was never, ever gonna cut out a cheese, like,
meal like Mac and cheese out of my diet,
but, yeah.
Oh, look at the bacon bits.
Mm. Seasoned to perfection.
I got mine from M and m’s.
Mm hmm. And then,
cause, you know,
we’ve got add the. The greens for the aesthetics.
I’m gonna have some rocket.
Oh, my God.
I posted one of these yesterday,
and I got a couple comments that triggered me.
Oh, she’s On Ozempic
and it’s like, no,
I’m actually working my ass off fighting for my life for
just for people to say I’m on Ozempic.
And then there was like a comment that said that I look pregnant.
Spring onion like, oh,
is she pregnant? This,
that, the other.
And I think that’s just the most annoying part about weight loss.
Like, my face and everywhere else is slimming down,
but like, my belly is taking the longest time to go down.
So I’m guessing I’m at that stage in my weight loss journey
that I look pregnant, which is so annoying.
So annoying. But we’re gonna get rid of it.
Remember guys, do your steps everyday,
fast, everyday.
Don’t cut out carbs if you don’t want to.
You can lose weight whilst eating carbs.
But I just like how my body looks when I don’t eat carbs,
you know what I mean? So we’re just adding some avocado in here
because life isn’t complete without an avocado.
You guys already know I bring my avocado to restaurants and everything.
Like, I don’t even play.
But anyways, I’m also gonna be using Alioli.
Alioli Arborio. I have this every time I’m in Spain,
but this is just for my zucchini fries.
And there you have it, guys.
Low carb burger, zucchini fries,
cauliflower Mac and cheese,
and an avocado salad. I’m about to dig in.
Oh, thanks for watching.