Conversations About Aging: Embracing the Beauty of Growing Old

Biggest fear? Tell me,
what’s your biggest fear about getting old?
I just don’t want to be old.
You don’t want to grow old,
but you’re already growing old.
I’m not old. Eh?
Eh? Why do you fear getting old?
I’m so scared. Yes,
you’re going to be old. I am not old.
Mmm. You’re going to be old and get wrinkles.
So I’m sick. So I want to be a doctor.
So when you be a doctor, what happens?
I’ll surgise myself. Ha, ha,
surgery. If I catch you going on surgery.
What is wrong with being old?
What if now
for us, we are old.
What if you’re not alive by then? I,
I cannot die now. You’re meaning I’ll be by then.
By then I will be alive. Even if I’m not alive,
my spirit will be alive. Looking at you.
You dare go for surgery because you don’t want to be old.
Who inspires you? Who, who,
who inspires you? I don’t want to grow old.
You will grow old. Oh, girl,
child with age. What?
What is wrong with going, growing old?
Do you know that the older you grow,
the more life becomes beautiful?
You’re forever young.
You’ve told me you’re not going to become 30 years.
I am not. You’re going to be chopping the years
you. You have to embrace old age.
Old age comes with blessings.
It comes with a lot of things. I’m not playing
fire in Jesus’s name. I.
Have prayed. Amen.
I rebuke this demon. The spirit of old in this car.
I rebuke the demon growing old in my blood.
We see you have to grow old through the Jesus’s name.
I have prayed and believed. Other people want to.