H Mart Haul: Korean Barbecue Essentials and Favorite Treats

here’s another H Mart haul
I also have a third bag we got so much stuff this time
we’re doing Korean barbecue for lunch
so I bought the oyster mushrooms
we’re gonna grill those these are perilla leaves
so they smell so good oh
hey girl
Korean peppers uh
this was halmeonis picking I don’t know what this is
but these are little candy beef
sliced flank steak this one is about $11
I got nogart bars these are my favorite favorite
favorite Korean traditional ice cream
I feel these are staple in every household
but can’t forget our other favorite cream ice cream
the greek yogurt bar this is the strawberry flavor
they didn’t have the blueberry flavor
that’s the one I usually like
but this one’s the second best so not bad
I also got some frozen pork belly
marinated pork belly halmeonis favorite
kimchi mandus okay
these are Korean cookies a little watermelon
small one small one
iced Americano with a little cup of ice
so that’s everything I bought at H Mart
today my total was $140