Ultimate Arm Growth: Ohern Curls on Incline Bench

Growing big ass arms. Ohern curls.
Here we go. It’s been a minute since I’ve done these,
and the plan was do it today in my back and buys workout.
However, I skipped it,
so I’ll do it on Friday. But I had an old video of me doing these curls,
and they’re beautiful and they’re amazing,
and they work really well.
And you’ll be surprised that gravity still works in this position.
But set yourself up on an incline bench.
Set yourself up as if you’re doing an incline fly,
and then curl. The weights.
The weights go down, you’re gonna turn down towards the floor.
And then subinate on the way up.
As you subinate on the way up,
you’re gonna drop your elbows slightly under your shoulders.
The tension will still be there,
trust me. And if not,
just lower your elbows slightly.
The pump is crazy, the connection is crazy,
the contraction is crazy, and the hypertrophy,
I know will be crazy. Try it and keep growing.