Unmask Your Money Persona: A Quiz to Better Financial Health

understanding your money personality
is such an important step in your financial health
help you figure out your approach to how you save
spend and even invest
so let’s go through this quiz together and see what I get
how often do you check your balance
I’m constantly refreshing
definitely me I check it all the time
how would your friends describe your financial style in three words
I’m inclined to say here to help
but this summer would definitely say otherwise
treat yourself it’s Friday night
what’s your plan so I am no host and a terrible cook
so I’m gonna go with we’re going out
friend asked to borrow money
you say oh no
we all know we’re probably not getting that money back
but I would definitely give
you just won $500 what do you do with it
I’m going to save this what are your biggest spending categories again
I’ve been spending so much this summer
I have to go this way what’s your move when money’s type before payday
oh I always have my emergency fund ready to go okay
empower saying I’m a nurturer
I would definitely agree with that
normally I’m very savvy with my money
but if you saw my credit card statement lately
it would probably not seem that way
I do tend to help people financially
Empower is a money app that can help give you cash when you need it
and also give you tools to build better financial habits
and this quiz is a great help if you’re curious about your money personality
try out this filter and drop a comment below with what you get
where do you think most people fall
let me know in the comments