Title: Embracing the Absurdity: A Humorous Take on Unconventional Names for Kids

Unpopular opinion
I think we should keep up the trend of naming our kids
ridiculous shit because I want to be 6 years old
and I want to refer to somebody younger than me as table
spelled table. I think that would be hilarious.
I literally, I would shit my pants laughing.
It makes me wonder if, like,
the really, really old people,
that’s what they think about names.
Now I can imagine if I encountered somebody named Gertrude.
Now I encountered somebody named Gertrude my age.
You’re not real. You are actually a government AI,
and I don’t trust you and I actually fear you.
It’s so funny. Like,
what is driving these, like,
mass amount of people to just name their kids like,
stupid shit? I’m not entirely sure,
but honestly, I kind of love it.