Mastering the P Boost: A Quick Guide to Enhancing Your Movement in Fortnite

I’m gonna show you how to get better at Fortnite
I’m gonna show you how to do the P dash in a really
really easy way now
the P dash is basically meta for this season
on how to get around the map quickly by using the jetpack
and basically boosting and sliding around
now if you’ve never changed your controls with the jetpack
how you would do a key dash would be to jump
jump L3 R3 b which is slide
which is a lot of buttons to do all at once
which makes it really hard
however if you change your controls
it makes it a lot easier so what you do is you go into your settings
and you map the boost to the same button as your jump button
and the cancel to the same button as your slide button
now instead of having to press four different buttons
you can literally just press Jump
Jump Slide
slide and your P Boost
now obviously you need to sprint as you’re going into the P Boost
but this makes it a lot easier to be able to P Boost consistently
and to be able to join in a fight
because you only have to press two buttons multiple times
but it’s only two buttons instead of four
now the only downside of this is when you go to actually initiate the jetpack
it’s gonna boost you immediately
because your initiate pack and your boost are the same button
but since this is more for just getting around the map
it doesn’t really matter that much
so it’s gonna make you a lot faster
jump jump slide
slide jump jump slide
slide and you’re good to go
another thing about key boosting is if you’re on a downhill or flat surface
it’s really easy but it’s hard to kinda boost into a hill
cause you have to press the buttons so much faster to even get it to engage
so that’s a quick tip and quick way to learn how to key boost really fast
I hope you like this one
we’ll catch you in the next how to get better at Fortnite video