Analyzing the Color and Size Differences of the Upcoming iPhone Pro Models: A Visual Comparison and Discussion

this is what you can expect
in about a month
not gonna talk about specs
we’re just gonna talk about
what most people care about
and size differences
size doesn’t matter
but I’m gonna talk about it
specifically with the pros
This diagram is showing
A 15 Pro Max
and a 16 Pro Max
yeah that height is substantial
the longer they make this thing
the better it looks for movies
if that’s the colours that we’re getting
like pastel
and sand
It’s like Monsters Inc
threw up on the phone
the pink one looks really cool
you couldn’t have done like a rose gold
You’re getting an action.. sorry
not action button
we already got that
I just forgot about it
capture button
it’s a dedicated button
to use your camera
you are getting a
48 megapixel ultrawide camera
let me know in the comments
based off just purely hardware updates
nothing inside
cause I don’t have any confirmed
information of that chart being true
let me know
what do you think of this
like sand iPhone
how do you like the colours
how do you like the camera layout
how do you like the size difference
based purely off these
visual changes
would you consider getting one