Professional Makeup: Staying Demure and Mindful at Work

See how I do my makeup for work?
Very demure, very mindful.
I don’t come to work with a green cut crease.
I don’t look like a clown when I go to work.
I don’t do too much. I’m very mindful while I’m at work.
See how I look? Very presentable.
The way I came to the interview is the way I go to the job.
A lot of you girls go to the interview looking like Marge Simpson.
And go to the job looking like Patty and Selma.
Not demure. I’m very modest.
I’m very mindful. You see my shirt?
Only a little chichi out. Not my chocho.
Be mindful of why they hired you.
Here’s your reality check, diva.
What’s the name you’d like me to make it out to?