Exploring My Diverse Reading Choices: August Reads and Next TBR Adventures

let’s talk about my last now
next reads
august has been a really good reading month for me
I can’t remember the last time I read this much and enjoyed this much
so I was reading so I’m having lots of fun
the last week I finished was just for the summer by Abby Jimenez
I adore this with every fibre of my being
this is the third book and the part of your World Series
part of your world was my favourite romance in 2024
yours truly the second book
I was a little bit disappointed in
and just for the summer I think it rivals
part of your world I think that’s maybe my favourite romance by the year so far
if follows Justin and Emma
who are both very unlucky in love
whenever they date someone and they break up
this person’s gonna go on and find their soulmate
so the two then decide let’s date and see
we can cancel out this bad energy we’ve got going on
obviously is it just gonna stay fake
no it’s not
but there’s so much story outside of the romance
these characters are so well rounded
their stories are heartbreaking
I cried I laughed
I absolutely adore this one
and like I said I think this has been my favourite romance of 24 so far
in terms of current reads
I’ve got a lot going on I’ve got a spicy romance series on the go
I’ve got some ya thriller
I’ve got fantasy I’ve got some lit fic
so I’m enjoying them all very separately
if this doesn’t show you how wide reaching my kind of enjoyment of genres are
I don’t know why as well in terms of my next read
I’m actually not too sure
I definitely think I want to pick another fantasy series
after finishing Jade War last week
adored every second of it
I’m thinking maybe picking up Poppy War
I think it will destroy me probably
I am also just in the mood for some kind of like high fantasy
I don’t know if this is maybe a good time for me to start the Mistbodn trilogy
because I’ve never read it before
and I’ve got the first book also sitting there
I’m also sitting currently reading conversation with friends
considering picking up normal people or so many romances
they could be picking up so much going on
so if you get any thoughts on this potential TBR that you can help me choose
better cause then if I definitely get 4 books on the go as well
probably a while before I get to it
please let me know and as always happy reading