Rant Against Giant Oversized Cars: The Tacky and Costly Trend on the Roads

having a giant oversized car is so corny
or like those gigantic like
Ford F150s or whatever
the big pickup trucks are
so corny
so tacky or those giant SUVs
oh my god I hate to see those things
they’re so ugly and so just ugly and stupid
and like people are like
I wanna feel safe when I’m on the road
oh oh my god
do you guys not realize that by buying these bigger cars
you’re adding to the problem of more big cars being on the road
therefore making the roads less safe
because there’s more big cars and bigger cars are less safe
but no you need to ride your toddler Smasher 3000
the other thing that really gets me
is that these are always the people that complain about gas prices
they’re always like it shouldn’t have to cost me $120 to fill my tank
I have to do it every single week
maybe if you didn’t drive like a two ton truck you wouldn’t have to do that
do you know how much money I pay to fill my gas tank every two weeks
$30 I pay $30 every two weeks to fill my car with gas
I genuinely do not care about gas prices
because it costs so little to fill my tank compared to everyone else