Sophisticated Wine Tasting: An Unrefined Conversation

Did you like your wine? Uh, yeah,
it was really good. Good.
It was expensive.
Oh. What did you like about it?
Uh, uh,
what did you like about the wine, Jack?
I like the, um,
flavor. Oh,
you like the flavor? Yeah.
What about the flavor? Specifically?
Uh, did you like the dry finish?
Yeah, I loved the dry finish.
There was no dry finish. I’m sorry.
You can’t tell me one sophisticated thing you liked
about that fine wine we just shared,
can you, Jack?
I, uh,
I liked the, the,
the grapeness. Grapeness?
Is that even a word? I’m so sorry,
I, oh, yeah,
no, grapeness.
I, I, I, I agree.