Unhinged Mom Chronicles: The Absurdity of Ancestral and Karmic Reasons for Birthing Children

Wow. Yeet me from this planet because I am done.
In case you missed it,
Buzzfeed published an article on August 16th with the headline quote
I’m stuck birthing and raising two babies
who should have been born to her.
This unhinged mom had two more kids
after her daughter chose to be child free.
And believe it or not, it’s worse than it sounds.
So here’s the post in question.
This mom wrote I’m Gen X and I have a huge problem with how I am left
carrying the weight for millennials.
No one asked you for this,
but go on. She said,
for example, I’m 42 and my daughter is 22.
She decided a while ago she does not want any kids.
She’s actually getting a procedure for sterilization next year.
But those souls needing to come into our family
for ancestral or karmic reasons
still need to be born. Excuse me, what?
She continues so
I’m stuck birthing and raising two babies
who should have been born to her,
but can’t be because she is too selfish to have kids.
She goes on we joke how my one and a half year old girl,
her sibling, is actually hers,
but she didn’t want to have it.
But deep down, it’s not a joke.
If she wasn’t so selfish, I wouldn’t have a toddler daughter right now.
Every cell in my brain just melted.
There is so much wrong with this,
but my favorite response on Reddit is
Just really need to know what these ancestral and karmic reasons are.
Please, I must know.
But can you imagine being so deranged
that you choose to have two children
based on literally nothing,
then being present for at your own child?
Would love to hear what y’all think about this.