Awkward Car Ride Conversations: A Testimony to High Maintenance Friends

hey get in
yeah let’s go
come on come on
come on the door should be open
I’m sorry about that haha
you can just leave that there
get in come on
get in last time you cleaned this
um this morning
not long ago why
is it is it clean right
just kind of I mean
you got Lakers oh my god okay
god you’re such a
you really high maintenance
you know like
what is your car looks like
come on go out
like this is why I don’t wanna hang out with you
cause you’re just judged about
the seatbelt doesn’t work by the way
I hope that’s okay haha
so where are we going again
oh my god oh
just where I you’re testifying for me
so that was okay right
oh you know how to get out of here
sometimes this happens I’m sure you know our owner thing 1 sec
hold on
alright you should be good to go
so how’s the divorce going
how’s everything it’s of half drink ales down
can you hear me bells
okay thank you so much
there’s some bottles too
oh that’s not trash we recycle that
that’s the end