Reclaiming Your Authentic Self: Embracing Your True Personality in a World of Judgments

if you feel like
you’re trying
to be authentic
but something
just feels off
like it is
over the top
or false or fake
the more real
you try to be
the more
inauthentic it feels
here’s why that happens
when you have spent
a long time hiding
parts of yourself
showing up as you
is going to feel foreign
at first
but it’s not because
you’re being fake
it’s just that
your personality muscle
has atrophied
from under use
now do you actually
have a personality muscle
but is it helpful
for this metaphor
so in the beginning
of this journey
you’re gonna feel awkward
you’re gonna feel like
you’re lifting weights
that are just too heavy
so yeah
you might feel fatigued
or overextended
it’s the kind of fatigue
that should refuel you
like a really good workout
where you feel proud
but not depleted
over time
just like with any exercise
your muscle will get stronger
and what feels difficult now
will eventually be
second nature to you
if you’ve been hiding
in your life
for a long time yeah
showing up as your
authentic self
is going to feel like
a lot at first
that isn’t a bad thing
if you feel like
you’ve lost touch
with what your personality
see if you can get
your hands on a video
of you as a kid
that little you
before they faced
the judgment of the world
or that you’re too much
or I can’t hear you
be louder
that little kid
that’s kind of what
we’re trying to get back to
when you’ve been living
in black & white for a while
when the color
starts to come back
it can feel like it’s
overly saturated
that’s just you
coming back to you
I’m Justin Schuman
human is literally
in my name
I’ve been on Broadway
I help people with storytelling
and personal branding
and I’ve helped
a lot of people
just reclaim their
authentic selves
both on camera and off
so if you are ready
to stop hiding and
start showing up as you
let’s go