Trash Talking and Touchdowns: A Spontaneous Gaming Rant

Guess what? What? What?
Guess what. What? What?
What am I guessing? What?
Womp, womp,
womp, womp,
womp, womp, womp.
Don’t click on next time. Don’t click on next time if you’re sorry.
How was it built? You clicked on that was all
you trash can bitch. Womp, womp. Right? Right.
That’s what you’re just saying, right?
Womp, womp.
Shut the fuck up, bro.
What he doing all that for?
Oh, what’s my name?
What’s my name? What’s a.
What’s a four letter chat?
A chat?
No, no, no,
no, no. What?
no, no, no.
What’s the excuse this time?
His Jersey got mixed up with that logo.
I did not see him. Oh,
the Jersey got mixed up with the logo? Oh,
yeah, buddy.
Bro, I lurk his bitch ass and he gets a fumble.
Like, come on.
Hey, fuck around and find out.
Hey, fuck around and find out, bitch.
What did I find out about that?
You got billed out, bro.
You threw a fucking pig and I.
I fumble, right?
Okay, bro.
Where’s the deep half though?
Like, where the fuck is the deep blue, bro?
Whatever, bro.
We ain’t worried about this. Bill out.
Three line man against five line man.
He told me about some pressure.
Can we get some pressure? I just know you get no hoes, bro.
Why are you talking like that, bro?
Like there’s no way you talk to any girls, bro.
What are All the weird voices you’re making and shit. Like,
sit the fuck down, bitch.
It would have. Look at this.
Look at this. I’m there, okay?
Whatever, bro.
Whatever. Whatever.
Oh, my god.
Big boy. Big boy.
Like, stop moaning.
The words big boy. Like,
stop talking. The only reason I’m losing.
This dude saying the weirdest shit, bro.
Seriously. He gonna come fast.
I’m coming fast. I’m coming fast.
The fuck up. Fuck it.
Fuck it. What,
do you use her in that fucking.
Check down, boy.
Check down. I’m at the fucking 20 yard line, bro.
I threw a touchdown. Holy fuck, bro.
This game is so ass, bro.
No, you did not.
You did not. So what am I supposed to say?
The game is good? That I just threw a fucking.
Give me that shit, bitch!
We don’t worry about your head.
Get the fuck off my field, bitch!
Trash ass bitch!