Life-Changing Salad Recipe for Solo Dinners: Arugula, Spinach, and Goat Cheese Delight

Chris is still gone, which means I get to make a salad for dinner.
It’s not that he won’t eat a salad for dinner.
He just, like,
won’t eat it as the main thing.
Like, that’s a starter for him.
But I just love, love,
love a good salad.
And this is a salad I make every time he’s out of town.
Not reinventing the wheel here.
It’s pretty much a basic, basic salad.
But it’s so good. So I’m still gonna show you guys.
We’re gonna take a big mixing bowl,
and you’re gonna start with a base of arugula.
Didn’t know arugula was supposed to be spicy
until I went to Italy once
and had the spiciest arugula.
It actually tasted like wasabi.
And we’re gonna do spinach the other half.
I like mixing these. Like I said,
I love arugula, but I don’t think it holds the salad as well.
So I mix the spinach in. Do about that much.
Next we are gonna cut up some fresh baby tomatoes.
Are these. Are they called baby tomatoes?
I do about a handful. And chop up a red pepper. Again,
all the things you learn on TikTok.
Cutting it upside down. Lifesaver.
I love red peppers, but I’m trying to chop them up like this,
throw them in your salad. Accidentally got a seedless cucumber,
and I hate when they’re seedless.
This might be where I lose some of you guys.
I love when my cucumbers are super Super thinly sliced.
So I use, like,
the mandolin. Is that what Mandal you know I’m talking about?
But I don’t want to get that out,
and I don’t want to watch it.
So I just use the part of the cheese grater,
and then they kind of look like this,
and they’re super juicy, and they’re so good in a salad like it.
I don’t know which is really good.
You guys have to try it. But I’ll do, like,
half a cucumber, and then you just throw it in the salad.
I’m also gonna put 1/2 of avocado.
Look how small the seed was.
Then for a good crunch in the salad,
I’m gonna chop up some of these walnuts.
If you want another good recipe.
Basically everything I did.
Not everything I did, but the base of spinach,
arugula, cucumber, walnuts,
pears, a little honey,
olive oil.
Um, so good.
Oh, goat cheese.
Can’t forget the goat cheese in that.
We’re also gonna add goat cheese to this one.
I oscillate between using feta or goat cheese in this
or no cheese at all.
But I kind of like how the goat cheese coats it a little bit more.
It’s like it becomes part of the dressing versus,
like, part of the solid salad.
Then I just crumble it with a fork into my salad,
like this. Kind of really clumpy.
So you just try to break it up a bit.
Now all of that is together.
I am going to prep what I put on top,
which is like a homemade dressing plus a runny egg.
This is where, when I post about this on Instagram,
people are like, a runny egg in your salad,
but it is so good. And think about,
you put a hard boiled eggs into your salad,
and all the pan is heating.
We’re gonna dump some olive oil into a bowl,
and then you’re gonna do just, like,
a little droplet of Dijon mustard.
Oh, should shut that more.
Okay. The droplets in there.
And then you’re gonna dump a ton of red pepper flakes.
I guess if you don’t like spice,
don’t add these, but I like a little spice in my salad.
You do a ton of black pepper.
You also put black pepper into the salad as well,
because that’s yummy.
But you’re gonna put it into a little dressing that you’re making.
And then I just do, like,
one or two cranks of salt.
The salts from salt mines and Krakow.
So that should be yummy. This is.
I don’t know if you can see it.
That’s what it looks like.
It’s not super runny. Gonna dump this onto the salad.
It’s heated. I always, like,
get kind of nervous making my runny eggs cause I mess it up so much.
Let that bake
while the egg is going.
I’m gonna toss the salad and then throw one of these into the toaster.
These are my Favorite rolls ever from Trader Joe’s.
We’ll see if I can flip this in one try.
I think I did it. I just, like,
flip it a little, let it sit on the other side for just a second.
I want the yolk to be running,
so I don’t want it to cook for too long. And then we just
plop it on the salad, and then you spread the yolk around. Yes.
I got my toasted bread, but we gotta do a taste test here,
obviously, before I move to the table.
Mm hmm.
Mm hmm.
Mmm. Before you hate on it,
try it. I dare you.
Okay, I’m all set up at my table.
Dolly is fed, and I’m going to watch the valley.
Thanks for cooking with me, guys.
And let me know if this salad changes your life like it changed mine.