Ethical Investing: Navigating the ESG Landscape with Vivian, Your H.B.F.F on Wall Street

So you want to invest, but you also want to avoid companies
and investments that don’t align with your values.
I get it. Investing can be ethically murky.
But I’m Vivian, your H B F F,
and your favourite Wall Street girly
who can show you how to put your money to work
without compromising your morals.
ESG stands for environmental,
and governance and essentially prioritizes companies doing good stuff,
being eco friendly, supporting local communities,
prioritizing diversity. You get the idea.
The pros are clear,
and given that more and more people care about these issues,
it’s not unlikely that these companies will continue to gain
steam in the future. Cons
though there’s actually no such thing as conscious consumerism
under capitalism. Even the most highly ranked ESG companies
oftentimes still have to make decisions
for the betterment of profit
versus doing the right thing.
They are for profit companies.
Furthermore, to state the obvious,
companies that do the not right thing often make a lot of money.
There’s no such thing as 100% ethical investing,
but ESG gets you on the right track.
The way I see it, if you really care about supporting the environment
and the people around you,
you having money from investing is gonna help
you better be able to do that.