Real Life Alpha Pack Opening: The Hunt for Black Ice and Rare Finds

It’s time to open some real life alpha packs.
You guys asked for this. So you guys get this.
Question is, will we get black ice in any of these?
There are like gold versions and they are considered rare.
But this is pack No. 1. What do we get?
We get a duck.
I’m not bothered about most of the things in here.
I just really want Legion, Sophia,
Blitz or any of the rare ones.
And we get Maverick Impact too.
Is it gonna focus?
No, no focus for you.
The only negative thing with IRL Alpha pack opening
is that if we do get a duplicate,
we’re not gonna get any renown.
Which is very sad. We have glass.
Alright, let’s try and rapid fire this one.
Pack 4. Are you black eyes?
Oh no. Duplicate instantly. No,
I am quite unlucky when it comes to alpha pack openings
as you guys saw on my stream the other day. So.
Oh yes, we got Sophia.
Nice. Uh,
so hopefully I won’t get that many dupes.
I’m happy because I have got at least one of the ones that I wanted.
Thick lock. I guess the one I really want the most,
which would be like my R4C Black Ice equivalent,
is Legion Maverick. Another dupe.
God damn it. Oh,
my camera really doesn’t like focusing.
But right. Legion.
I think it’s okay. I’m calling it now. This one is going to be
a gold. Got another Dupe back to back.
Since I am getting a lot of dupes
I will do a giveaways for people to win some of them. Nice!
We didn’t get a dupe that time.
Okay, final 2 packs.
I really hope for Legion or a gold as that would be an absolute win.
Oh my God, another duplicate
and then the final pack. Surely this will be the redemption.
This will make the whole thing worth it.
Another duplicate? No way!
Let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed this
alpha pack opening
and share this with a friend if you want one of my dupe pins!
I’ll do some epic giveaway real soon,
so yeah, just let me know in the comments what you think of this!