Moving Day Madness: A Family Affair in the World of Publishing

I’m so excited. It’s moving day for Dig’s publishing
and we got to work early. So first thing this morning,
we packed all the orders that needed to go out for the day.
And then we got started
just throwing everything in a U Haul that I had to rent.
My uncle came over and help break down all the boxes.
Those are the orders that have to go out for the day.
I cannot believe we made this place work for all this time.
We made it to the new place and then we had to unload.
And thankfully, unloading is faster than loading.
We hired two guys to help us move
and it made it go so fast.
So my brother and I and two then guys picked up the baby from school.
My mom came over after work and we just unloaded.
We kind of threw things in
the general location of where we think they should go.
Then we set up shelves and stocking those shells.
By this point, it was like 9,
10 o’clock at night. We are exhausted beyond.
Sweated out our deodorant exhausted.
But we got it done.
There’s something so special about working with family.
You just laughing all the time,
cracking jokes, singing songs.
Before we knew it, it was 10 o’clock at night.
Right? It’s 10 o’clock at night.
We’re finished with night one of moving in.
It still looks atrociously crazy in here.
Hopefully we get it looking better.
But, yeah,
night one of moving in. And as you know,
none of this could have been possible without your support.
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