United in Overcoming the Challenges of Hurricane Beryl: Updates on Relief Efforts and Community Support

Despite the many challenges brought on by Hurricane Beryl,
we continue to face them together.
62 officials from party would have received input
support from the Ministry of agriculture
as we roll out our fisheries relief program
where we will be targeting all our major fishing beaches
that have been significantly impacted,
provided them with wire so they can start their journey again.
I’m very happy that JPS has started its community consultations.
They had their first two meetings in slight and parity
and the residents were able to say to the company their frustration,
their challenges and the issues in relation to the lack of electricity.
The company made some assurances.
The issue of estimated bills kept coming up
and I’m of the firm view that JP
should suspend the billing process
until electricity returns to those customers.
We are seeing more boots on the ground from JPS
and we do hope that
that means that electricity will come back to all of our communities
before August 31st.
I checked on the schools to see how we were progressing
in terms of getting them ready for back to school.
I’m happy to see that the contractors are in place and are working.
I also visited some of our communities
that are still having difficulty,
handled all some care packages
and shared with families who are having tough time
because they have lost their loved one in this difficult period.
And as such, we have to be there to strengthen them.