Mastering the Service Routine: Finding Ease and Confidence on the Volleyball Court

Okay, so service.
See, we have a free pass routine here. Okay.
Cause what I see when I watch passers is they’re one of two things.
They’re either a down and stands
and super intense way early. Like,
okay, sitting down in your stance way too early tightens you up. Okay?
You don’t wanna be sitting down there all day. Okay.
But I also want a routine.
It sets our mind at ease. Routine helps our mental game and what not
and just gets us in good habits.
So what we do at Oulu with our team
is we have all three pastors just kind of chilled out.
Hands above me, just kind of chilling out. Here.
We can talk about what the set,
what the pastor did there,
what the server did the last time.
Hey, she serves slow,
hey, she serves jump,
that type of thing.
And we’re just kind of chilling. Okay.
Once the whistle goes, then I kind of finish my stance,
creating space, get my elbows out in front. Okay.
And then as she’s actually starting her swing,
we breathe out.
Some people are going to a pre hop or a split step in here.
I’m okay with that. We’re dabbling with it.
Okay. But that’s what it would happen here.
Just chilling out. Whistle happens
and then I go, okay,
so breathe out to relax, let all that tension out.
That’s when I would do a split step if I’m a split stepper.
So That we can react out of it.
Okay, so I wanna see that every time.
Just get yourself into a routine that sets your mind at ease.
That’s. Hey,
I do this all the time. Cool. Cool.