Father and Son: Navigating Unexpected News and Embracing New Responsibilities

Yo, Dad. What’s going on?
Amber’s pregnant, dad.
I’m sorry, what?
She’s pregnant. I’m gonna be a dad.
Well, you sure pick a fine time.
Come sit down. Come talk to me.
You ready?
Yeah, for sure.
You sure?
No, not really. Dad.
I don’t know. I’m kind of scared.
Why? You can be honest.
It’s a scary feeling.
But I see the way you act around here.
And I see the way you help out with your younger siblings.
You’ll be alright. You can make a.
An excellent father. You understand?
You think so, dad?
No. So you.
You’re not upset with me? No,
I’m not upset, man.
Things happen, son.
Things happen. And
you gotta be prepared when these things do happen. You understand?
thank you for coming to tell me.
So what y’all gonna do? We’re gonna keep it, dad.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Okay. So
I’m having a grandbaby. Yeah.
Alright, alright,
alright. What you want?
I want a boy, dad.
Haha. Yeah,
I know what I did. Everybody want a boyfriend for their first kid.
Amber does too. Oh,
she did? Yeah.
Okay, well,
you talk to her parents about it?
No, not yet.
Okay, well,
hey, look,
I know her life is her life,
but now we’re all invested.
So if they give you any flag.
Matter of fact, get their phone number from, uh,
from Amber. And uh,
after y’all talk, then we’ll talk.
But it ain’t My responsibility.
It’s your responsibility to break the news
and it’s mine to do damage control.
I mean, they’re pretty chill, dad.
Are they pretty cool? Yeah.
Alright, cool. Bet.
Alright, so
I don’t need. No, no,
I don’t. See you tomorrow.
I’m enjoying my, my,
my time. Okay. Alright.
Love you, dad.
Thanks, dad.
Bye. Bye.