Democratic Governor Reflects on Historic Night at Joe Biden Honoring Event

Governor, we’re live on MSNBC.
How you feeling, sir?
We’re excited.
It’s a pretty important night for Democrats tonight to honor Joe Biden,
and I think when. And I.
The kids are excited to be here.
You. Could you ever imagine a night like this?
To be here and to be with the second gentleman,
to be with your wife, and to be
on the verge of becoming the next vice president of the United States?
I don’t know. Doesn’t every public school teacher imagine being here?
No. It’s a privilege.
It’s an honor. And I can tell you this ticket,
feeling that energy, just a privilege.
You were. I’ll leave you alone,
but you were in Alice quip of Pennsylvania over the weekend.
You feel like. You feel like you guys are gonna take Pennsylvania?
I said the energy out there and to be with those high school kids,
to see what that means. Exciting.
Governor, thank you very much.
Nice to talk to you. Nice to see you as well, Rachel.
I think I pulled a muscle trying to do that, but we made it happen.