Dysfunction in the Musk Family: Elon Musk’s Transgender Daughter Speaks Out

Elon Musk’s transgender daughter makes
terrible revelations about his father.
Musk started the
transition to no longer be 1 boy and become 1 woman,
which triggered his father’s anger.
She took the opportunity to adopt her mother’s last name,
by being callede Jenna Wilson,
in order to definitively cut the bridges with its parent.
In 1 interview with G.
Elon Musk had words
extremely hard on the gender change of his
1 media release
terribly violent towards her transgender child
which strongly caused the latter to react.
On the social network Trez,
e expressed his engineer to his father
accusing him of being
particularly unfaithful and racist.
You are not a father,
you are 1 serial adultery
who keeps lying about his own children.
You called Arabic the language of the enemy
when I was 6 years old,
you have been prosecuted for discrimination at
multiple repeats
and you come from South Africa.
From the help,
you don’t save the planet,
you have nothing to do with climate change.
You have disillusioned me with you alone
by showing me how gullible we are.
Because one way or another,
people still believe you
for reasons that continue to escape me.