Birthday Bash: Celebrating with Friends at Emerson Grove

Tomorrow’s my birthday, so tonight I’m celebrating with my friends.
I’m going to Emerson Grove,
and I’m ready for my hot girl pizza.
And I was so focused on my sister’s wedding
that I did not buy anything to wear for my birthday this year.
So we are just winging it.
It’s such a casual Italian restaurant.
So this is what I’m wearing.
A little mini rose shawl. This top is, like,
10 years old. I’m not even kidding.
Maybe, like five.
I don’t know. But it’s Emerson Thorp,
and I love the color, so I decided,
why not bring it back tonight?
Lioness jeans for the second night in a row.
The row 90s bag. And I went for some more,
like, sultry makeup tonight.
A little smoky. Bye.