Listening Carefully: Exploring Important Phrases and Expressions

I am all ears.
I’m listening carefully. Hang on a second. Not important.
Not hundred percent sure.
Wait a second.
Hang on a second.
Wait a second.
Not a big deal.
Not important. Yes.
Not a big deal. Not important.
You never know. Not hundred percent sure.
Can you give me a hand? Good idea.
Can you help me? Yes.
Can you give me a hand? Can you help me?
I doubt it. Good idea.
I don’t think so. Yes,
sounds good. Good idea.
I am all ears. Hang on a second.
Not a big deal.
You never know.
Can you give me a hand?
I doubt it.
Sounds good. So these are seven important phrases.
Which one is your favourite?
Let me know in the comments. Thank you.