Twisted Confessions: The Ultimate Adult Party Game

I just found the perfect game for, like,
a 21st birthday or an adult party.
You’re gonna have one person who is the ref,
and that’s gonna be the person that rolls the dice for you,
and everybody else is gonna be twisted.
So you would roll the dice,
and then it says left foot green.
So you would go to a green cup and just say,
you get this one, and it says confession.
You’re gonna draw a confession card,
and then it says, choose a player to howl at the moon for 10 seconds
or finish their drink. There’s also spots that say, like,
the ref has to take a drink.
If you land on that one, you automatically have to take a drink.
The crowd picks a player to drink,
so there’s just a bunch of, like,
random fun things to do. And if they don’t take a drink,
they’re out of the game. If they fall,
they’re out of the game. 10 out of 10, recommend.
We’re definitely gonna do this in a live one night.
I’m also gonna take it to the next adult party,
and I’ll have to show you how it goes.
But yeah, so if you’re looking for a fun game,
I definitely recommend this, and I’ll link it below.