Deconstructing Nationality, Ethnicity, and Race: Unmasking Propaganda and Colonialism

Let’s play a little game of is this sinus propaganda or not?
Imagine if somebody posted that and said Asian, huh?
What do you think the comment section would look like?
Just saying,
if you said yes, that is propaganda,
you would be correct.
So what the Zionist girl is doing is trying to conflate nationality,
ethnicity, and race.
You cannot be ethnically or racially Israeli.
That is not an ethnicity or race.
Israel is a settler colonial state,
so people that live there hold that identity.
That doesn’t magically make them indigenous to the land.
For example, my nationality is American, right?
I was born and raised here.
I am American. But I’m not ethnically American.
That’s not an ethnicity and it’s not a race.
And just because I live here and was born and raised here,
that does not make me indigenous to the land.
I am not an indigenous person to this land.
Ethnicity wise I am Palestinian and white.
And racially
I would either be categorized as white or Middle Eastern like.
Yes, it would be racist if someone said that about Asians,
Africans, or Indians. Also.
Indians are Asian. They are South Asian.
Israel thrives off of propaganda,
misinformation, and ignorance.
Let’s not forget who’s committing a genocide here
and still trying to play the victim.