Gassy Medication Review: Simethicone Chewable Tablets for Gas Relief

I’m a licensed pharmacist in three states,
and today I’m gonna be trying a very gassy medication,
and I found a standard for any gas relief needs down here.
It’s called simethicone. Is the active ingredient.
Why is there two different color beards?
Whatever. I’ll just get this one.
Okay. I got a pretty standard one here today.
How’s everyone’s gas doing?
So this is from certified plus.
Ooh, we got an NDC.
I haven’t seen an NDC in a while.
Simethicone for gas relief.
Anti flatulent mint flavored. Ew.
I am not excited about that. 36 chewable tablets.
Love that there’s an NDC. I’ve.
I’ve come across this company before,
and they seem to make pretty good stuff.
So these are 80 milligram.
The dosing for simethicone is very weird.
There’s like, 80.
There’s like, I think 100,
maybe 1 20. I don’t.
We seem to can’t figure out, well,
what the proper dose is. Anyway,
let’s see what this says. 1 to 2 tablets as needed.
Do not exceed 6 tablets per day unless directed by a doctor.
Couldn’t imagine anybody would need more than 6.
My goodness.
It is still within the expiration date.
And these are boys Advanced Pharmaceuticals out of Holtsville, New York.
Just going to randomly assume that that’s on Long Island.
Am I crazy, or is there way more than 36 in here?
Nope. 36 exactly.
The unique design. Looks like a Freemason.
Is this gonna turn me into a Freemason?
Doesn’t that look like The Freemason logo.
Okay, that could be there.
6 1 0 or 0 1 9. You guys pick.
I wanna know which ones you guys decided in the comments.
The cool thing about simethicone is it’s, like,
super safe. Like,
we give this to babies. There’s a baby formula for it.
Um, and it’s.
It’s for gas in the stomach.
Okay. People sometimes get that confused.
Like, if you have the other type of gas,
this is not gonna help. This is like,
if you need to burp. Um,
and I’m actually feeling a little bit bloated right now,
and I wanna see if this helps me.
Other chewable, by the way.
I don’t know if I mentioned.
Okay. The taste isn’t that bad.
I mean, I definitely wouldn’t say it’s good,
but I’m not a fan of mint,
and it has a very light mint taste to it. It’s not bad at all.
It worked.