Winging It: Attempting the Trendy Blueberry Iced Latte Recipe from TikTok

Good morning. We’re gonna make one of those blueberry iced lattes
that are so viral on TikTok right now.
I’m so excited.
Okay, one cup of blueberries.
This part we’re gonna wing,
because I somehow I don’t think we have sugar.
So we’re gonna do some honey
brown sugar. Just do like, a big spoonful.
Is that too much?
Then it’s like half a cup of water.
But I don’t want it to be overflowing with water.
Like, I don’t want it to be too runny.
So we’re just gonna do like half of a half of a cup of water.
I don’t have one of those mashers,
so we’re just gonna do our best.
But here’s what it looks like.
We’re gonna brew our espresso pot.
Alright, so we pour this in first.
Warning, Mine’s gonna have blueberries in it.
I don’t know how much to do,
especially when I just have wop and blueberries in it.
Okay, I guess that’s enough. I’ll do the milk
taste test.
It’s disgusting. It’s literally brown,
y’all. What?
I’m sipping chunks of blueberry
and there’s no sweetness or flavor from that sauce.