Money Confessions: Sharing Our Biggest Financial Regrets

I have like a proper nosy question about money
cause I feel like people don’t really share the bad side of it.
You just see people with like bigger houses,
fancier cars, nicer holidays.
So if you have one, I would love to know what your like,
biggest money mistake is.
Probably one of the biggest ones for me was buying a house that needed
like a full renovation
without knowing what I was doing at all.
And we literally ended up like
quitting that rental project and losing like 15,000
cause Ken bought it at the right price and stuff,
but I just. I didn’t know any of that type of stuff.
But honestly I even have like so many more,
you know, if you’re comfortable sharing,
let me know what your like,
biggest money regret is.
I think it’ll be so interesting to know if like
a lot of us have the same ones.
And also so useful for other people to know of these types of like
money traps that you could so easily get into.
Like oh my God, so easily.