Is a 2015 Gen 2 Coyote Mustang Still Worth Buying in 2024? A Detailed Comparison and Analysis

Is a Gen 2 Coyote Mustang still worth it in 2024?
You don’t know much about Mustangs.
There’s a couple different generations,
although they all do look kind of similar.
There’s a Gen 2 and a Gen 3 in the S5 50,
and then obviously there’s other gens as the other years went on,
and then before this in particular.
Is a Gen 2 S 5:00 50, which was made between 2015 and 2017,
and obviously being a little bit older,
it’s a lot cheaper than the Gen 3 s 5:00 50.
Question we have to answer
is a 2 thousand fifteen s five fifty Mustang still worth it
in 2,024? Category number one is the look.
My opinion this car looks beautiful and it’s a really,
really good looking car. Still looks modern to the day now.
Super sleek and sporty.
And you can mod it to look like the newer ones if you want,
so that’s always a plus. Secondly is the interior now.
Honestly between the Gen 2 and Gen 3,
nothing really changed in the inside.
So you’re not gonna get any difference between the Gen 3 being newer
when the interior looks the same.
You got your gauges, your screen,
everything pretty much.
And all the basic stuff that comes in a normal car.
Lastly is the engine.
This is a Gen 2 5 0 compared to the Gen 3 in the newer S5 50.
the Gen 2 is known as one of the Best Coyote engines ever made.
And it doesn’t have all the extra things
like direct injection and all that
that can cause you more issues with the Gen 3.
My opinion this engine is still extremely worth it.
Not honestly go with one of these even now in 2024.
So is a 2015 S5 50 still worth it in 2024?
100% yes. I definitely buy another one of these even now.