Exploring the Wild World of Baby Shopping: From Boy Toys to Girl Section Hauls

So I’m shopping for baby stuff right now.
I don’t fucking shop. I don’t know anything about babies
and I’m not a fucking clue.
What is tootie? No idea.
This is really my first experience.
But I’m gonna tell you something.
I’m not liking what I’m seeing.
All right, so we got the boy toys.
Sick as fuck. All right?
We got trucks. We got fucking cool ass shit.
We have little Patriots players.
All right? You see all this stuff?
We got this guy. No fucking idea what the sonic. Okay,
you got all this shit. Sick as fuck. Okay,
I need something for a girl.
Let me show you what. Let me show you what they got for girls.
There you go.
In the girl section. Tidy up, bitch.
That. Okay,
but that’s not it. That’s.
I mean, come on, there’s. There’s more options too,
okay? If you.
I mean, listen,
you don’t have to clean. If you want to cook,
it’s your prerogative.
Literally. Cartons of eggs,
make yourself a fucking smoothie.
But grocery shopping, most importantly,
the cooking never ends. I was starting to get a little defeated.
I’m not gonna lie. I was like, not.
I’m not like what I’m seeing.
But then we have sippy cups in a alcoholic vessel,
so that’s just so sick.