Unboxing Old & New: Exploring Vintage Smartphone Treasures

unbox an old new phone with me
this Galaxy uh
S7 Edge is still sealed brand new inbox
I didn’t need this phone but it was on eBay for like
a hundred bucks so
you know why not
I have
I have the gold one that I bought new from at t
Via apple pay actually
and here’s the silver one that I always wanted
so here they together
I I love the edges
they were so impractical but I love them
what else is in this box we got
Sim tray injector
looks like paperwork
yeah power adapter
this is a USB cable
and what is this
oh it’s headphones remember those
so this being in the box
kind of makes me wonder if my AT&T S7 had headphones in the box
I’m gonna have to find that
I forgot that the boxes used to be magnetic
and they were just so useless
but it’s still nice
when the Galaxy S7 released
its main competitor was the iPhone 6S that came out this September before
to be honest I don’t think there’s much of a comparison between these two um
I would still choose a Samsung over the 6S
because of how cool this phone was
but that’s just me
another thing that I found on eBay was this Virgin Mobile phone
um this is the very first color smartphone I had ever purchased
well my mom bought this one for me back in
I don’t know maybe 2005
2006 and I found this really good condition version on eBay
I’m pretty sure it still works
but we’ll see and we have power
I still can’t believe I have this
especially in such good condition
oh my god this brings back so many memories
I’ve been on on nostalgia kick lately
so I have a few more phones coming that I’ll be so happy to show you guys