Vintage Vibes and Tim Burton: A Movie Review Series

So I started a new series where I’m watching movies and rating them
and then doing a movie review on them.
I watched the movie and reviewed it last night.
The next movie in the series is Edward Scissorhands.
And there’s a specific reason I chose this movie.
So stay tuned to see why we love a good Tim Burton film.
Oh, I love this movie so much.
I love, like,
the vintage vibes in this movie.
This lady is ballsy. That would be terrifying.
I love that she’s promoting Avon.
Johnny Depp is such a good actor.
I love that she just took him home.
Oh, my gosh,
the water bed! My dad had a water bed growing up.
That’s so funny, though.
This part is so sad.
Oh, I would have a pink house with a purple car.
Oh, my gosh,
I bet it was so hard not to laugh while filming this.
That’s so cool. That would be so nice for when I’m cooking.
This movie kind of reminds me of, like,
the Grinch. Like,
he’s, like,
the guy that everyone thinks is weird and different.
That’s the neighbor. Oh,
my gosh. This is literally
like the scene in the Grinch where they’re all feeding him, too.
This movie came out in 1990,
and the Grinch came out in 2000.
Oh, she’s gonna get terrified.
He’s like, do I look?
Do I not look?
There goes the water bed. Oh,
my gosh, she’s so drunk.
I love That he just starts trimming the dog.
Oh my gosh,
maybe I’ll go get a haircut.
These haircuts are atrocious.
Fun fact to this is Southgate Shopping Center,
which is still here today in Lakeland.
So we’re gonna go visit it.
Lakeland has a bunch of like,
antique vibes, and I love it.
And I really wanna explore it more.
So I’m excited to go check this place out.
I think there used to be a diner across the street,
but it closed, from what I’ve heard.
Could you imagine if banks actually looked like that?
Poor Edward. This part is so important in the movie.
Cause remember at the beginning
that grandma was telling her granddaughter a story about Edward
and it was snowing outside.
Poor Edward. It’s so sad
cause I love each other, but they can never be together.
He was supposed to get hands,
but his inventor died. Run, Forest, Run!
I like that his house is like five houses down from them.
It’s literally Whoville. Look at all their hair.
Oh, she protected him so that nobody can hurt him anymore.
And that’s her. See?
It’s snowing, so he’s giving her a sign.
It’s such a good movie. I’d give it like a 7.8 out of 10.
It’s a good one.
Now we gotta pick our next movie and go to our adventure.