Coastal Plain: A Musical Journey with Muscadine Bloodline

The unsung heroes of the independent country music scene,
Muscadine Bloodline. They just did it again with their new album,
and I just want to come on here and rave about it.
It’s called the Coastal Plain,
and it’s so good. It puts you in a time and in a place.
This is about where they’re from.
It’s given Alabama.
And I feel like in the past with Muscadine Bloodline,
we’ve gotten more Silo experiences.
You know, they have the kind of porch swing, angel,
reverent love song vibes. Then you kind of have, like,
southern rock me on you fat guitar lick vibes.
Then on teenage Dixie era,
we kind of got more of, like,
their emo side, and they obviously have teenage angst.
The whole emo tribute album where they’re doing, like,
Adam Song. But on the Coastal Plain,
I feel like it’s just all of them together.
It’s all the different shades of muscadine in one place.
And you’ve got kind of that classic,
heartfelt vibe on something like 1090.
Such beautiful harmonies. But then you’ve also got stuff like,
you know, ticket to Turnpike,
a Turnpike tribute song that has Kyle Nicks.
First time they ever had fiddle on a song.
And I love the instrumentation through a lot of this album.
The parts are so well realized.
There’s harmonium. I didn’t even know what a harmonium was
till I was trying to figure out
what is the sound I’m hearing on 1090,
and it’s this Kind of sustain, bagpipe, organ,
accordion thing. Then they rock out on Rattlesnake Ridge.
And I love. I love the little stretch with like,
airport and McGregor pay me no mind.
That whole section of album,
so good. I think
if I had to choose one song on here that I absolutely love the most
is probably one Man War. That song just goes so hard,
it’s so driving.
There’s kind of brings in the gospel influence on this album too.
One other thing. Yes?
I’m delayed in the airport filming this TikTok.
I love how many proper names are on this.
Like Early Bird from Mexia,
Mary Riley. Like,
that’s what I mean when I say it gives you a time and a place.
It just feels
like you’ve been steeped into a world.
Like you’ve spawned there and you’re like, whoa,
where am I? Who are these characters?
There’s. It’s like a freaking Wendell Berry book.
I know the whole conversation in country music right now
is about Post Malone, but do not sleep on this album,
cause I really think it’s one of the albums of the year
and I’m proud of the boys.
They’ve been so good for a long time.
Way back in the day on my channel,
they did a video with me called like,
how to be an Independent Country Artist,
so check that out. It’s from sometime in 2021. But love this.